Resources in Terraform support the special arguments count and for_each, which both serve as declarations that a particular resource configuration should be repeatedly evaluated to produce multiple instances of that single resource.

resource "null_resource" "example1" {
  count = 2

  triggers = {
      index = count.index

resource "null_resource" "example2" {
  for_each = {
    a = "foo"
    b = "bar"

  triggers = {
      key   = each.key
      value = each.value

If we run terraform plan against the above configuration, we can see that each of those resource blocks expands out into two resource instances:

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # null_resource.example1[0] will be created
  + resource "null_resource" "example1" {
      + id       = (known after apply)
      + triggers = {
          + "index" = "0"

  # null_resource.example1[1] will be created
  + resource "null_resource" "example1" {
      + id       = (known after apply)
      + triggers = {
          + "index" = "1"

  # null_resource.example2["a"] will be created
  + resource "null_resource" "example2" {
      + id       = (known after apply)
      + triggers = {
          + "key"   = "a"
          + "value" = "foo"

  # null_resource.example2["b"] will be created
  + resource "null_resource" "example2" {
      + id       = (known after apply)
      + triggers = {
          + "key"   = "b"
          + "value" = "bar"

Plan: 4 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

The instances each recieve an instance key which uniquely identifies them. The ones created by count have numeric instance keys corresponding to the count.index value inside the block body, while the ones created by for_each have string instance keys that correspond with the keys of the given map and are exposed to expressions as each.key.

In today's Terraform, this repetition ability is a special power of resources and isn't available for any other Terraform construct. While dynamic blocks do allow for a similar sort of repetition with for_each for nested blocks, that mechanism is rather different in that it serves only as a macro for generating the configuration data to be passed to the provider, not as something Terraform itself tracks.

For a long time now we've wanted to extend this repetition ability to Terraform modules, but that has been a rather more complicated feature than we'd like. I've recently been doing some exploration of ways we might implement that, and so this article is documenting both a summary of what makes this problem a complicated one and also of a potential solution I've found which seems like a promising technical direction to build on.

How Resource Repetition Works

An important capability of both count and for_each is that their respective expressions can refer to other objects in the configuration. This is important to allow for the expression of more complex intents, like "for each virtual machine, create a DNS record", which might look something like this:

variable "virtual_machine_names" {
  type = set(string)

resource "example_virtual_machine" "vm" {
  for_each = var.virtual_machine_names

  # each.eky here is one of the values from var.virtual_machine_names
  name = each.key

  # (...other virtual machine arguments...)

resource "example_dns_record" "vm" {
  for_each = example_virtual_machine.vm

  type  = "A"

  # each.key here is the key associated with one virtual machine, which
  # in turn is one of the values from var.virtual_machine_names
  name  = "${each.key}"

  # each.value here refers to one virtual machine instance, as an object
  value = each.value.ip_address

This capability creates an interesting constraint: Terraform builds a dependency graph to determine a correct order to evaluate all of the expressions in a configuration, and because the count and for_each expressions can contain references themselves, that means that the resource blocks are what must participate in the dependency graph, not the potentially-many instances that result from repeating them.

To accommodate that, the graph Terraform builds for planning is one of static resource blocks rather than of the individual instances created from them. It's for that reason that an expression like[0] creates a dependency on as a whole, not on instance zero specifically.

When Terraform walks the dependency graph, it visits each configuration object in turn and when it visits a resource block it checks to see if count or for_each is set, evaluates them if so, and then produces a separate "subgraph" representing the resulting instances, which is conceptually nested inside the graph node representing the resource:

Inside Terraform Core, this process of generating a subgraph for a node during the graph walk is called dynamic expansion. The nested nodes don't exist at all during initial graph construction: the nested subgraph is created immediately after Terraform visits the containing node, at which point the dynamic expansion logic can make use of all of the information learned so far during the graph walk. That includes the values for other configuration objects that the count and for_each expressions depend on.

These subgraphs can potentially have their own inter-dependencies between nodes, but in practice for resource dynamic expension the resulting graph is just one node per resource instance and no edges at all, because the instances of a single resource are not permitted to depend on one another.

Terraform then performs a nested graph walk of this nested graph, which must complete before Terraform will consider the containing node to be "done" and move on to visiting its dependents. During Terraform's plan phase, the action taken on visiting each of the nodes representing resource instances is to call into the corresponding provider to produce the planned action for that particular resource instance; to do so, it recieves the result of evaluating all of the resource-type-specific arguments included inside the resource block.

Because count.index, each.key, and each.value are available to the expressions inside a resource block, they can be used to create differences in the final configuration values for each of the instances of a particular resource, which means that each instance has its own object value representing the configuration which is passed to the provider for planning. The provider doesn't know that these objects are multiple instances of the same resource, since each instance is processed separately from all others from a provider's perspective.

For the example configuration shown above then, the graph traversal will visit the nodes in the following order and take these actions:

  • Visit var.virtual_machine_names and evaluate the expression given for that variable in the calling module, saving the result for later use.

  • Visit example_virtual_machine.vm and evaluate its for_each expression, using the result for dynamic expansion to produce a subgraph. The subgraph has no dependency edges, so all of the nodes in it can be visited concurrently:

    • Visit example_virtual_machine.vm["a"], evaluating its configuration with each.key set to "a" and then passing the result to the example provider for planning.

    • Visit example_virtual_machine.vm["b"], evaluating its configuration with each.key set to "b" and then passing the result to the example provider for planning.

  • Visit example_dns_record.vm and evaluate its for_each expression, using the result for dynamic expansion to produce a subgraph. The subgraph has no dependency edges, so all of the nodes in it can be visited concurrently:

    • Visit example_dns_record.vm["a"], evaluating its configuration with each.key set to "a" and each.value set to the object produced by planning example_virtual_machine.vm["a"]. Passing the result to the example provider for planning.

    • Visit example_dns_record.vm["b"], evaluating its configuration with each.key set to "b" and each.value set to the object produced by planning example_virtual_machine.vm["b"]. Passing the result to the example provider for planning.

This process works because all of the instances of a particular resource are configured by the same set of expressions, and thus they are all required to have the same static dependencies. Therefore a single node can represent the resource as a whole, safe in the knowledge that it can represent the collective dependencies of all of the instances that will be created just in time during dynamic expansion. The instances don't need to produce any dependency edges themselves because they are embedded within a node that already declared dependencies for them all.

How Terraform modules work

In Terraform, modules are a code reuse and namespacing construct. Modules can be installed from remote sources such as the public registry, or they can just refer to nearby directories in the local filesystem.

Each module can define its own set of objects whose names are independent of names in other modules. That means two modules in a configuration can both define a resource with the same type and name without any problem, and furthermore a configuration can call the same module multiple times with each of them declaring its own separate set of resource instances.

For the sake of example here, let's focus on modules in the local filesystem and imagine we have the following directory structure:


The example1/ file might include both a direct resource definition and a call to the module represented by the example2 directory:

resource "null_resource" "example" {
  triggers = {
    val = "foo"

module "example2" {
  source = "../example2"

  vals = ["bar", "baz"]

output "ids" {
  value = concat(

The example2/ file can then in turn declare objects belonging to that module:

variable "vals" {
  type = set(string)

resource "null_resource" "example" {
  for_each = var.vals

  triggers = {
    val = each.key

output "ids" {
  value = [for r in null_resource.example :]

Both module1 (the root module) and module2 contain a null_resource resource named example, but Terraform distinguishes them by assigning each one an absolute resource address:

  • null_resource.example for the one in the root module.

  • module.example2.null_resource.example for the one in the child module.

A key detail about how modules work in Terraform today is that they are, once installed, solely a mechanism for namespace management and they do not appear directly in the graph themselves. The individual input variables and outputs are included in the graph to bridge between the namespaces, but the module itself does not appear directly:

This "flattening" of modules when constructing the graph has two interesting benefits:

  • Terraform can start working on a resource in a module as soon as all of the individual module variables it depends on are ready, rather than waiting for all of them to become ready.

    This can therefore result in improved concurrency for modules that have many different resources that are not themselves directly interconnected.

  • It's possible for one input variable of a module to depend on one of the outputs of that same module, as long as the output doesn't itself depend (directly or indirectly) on the input variable in question. This is not a common need, but it can be useful in module composition in situations where a matrix of connections need to be made.

    For example, I used this capability my shared module terraformnet/vpc-region/aws where the modules/peering-mesh helper module uses module calls that mutually refer to one another in order to declare a mesh of VPC peering connections, which is possible only because the output value outgoing_connection_ids does not depend on the input variable other_region_connections.

As Terraform walks the graph, it maintains a separate evaluation context per module so that expression evaluation within each node can be performed in the context of the right module. The graph walk logic asks each node which module path it belongs to and then passes it the appropriate evaluation context for that module. Some of the data that the evaluation contexts refer to is module-agnostic global data, such as the state data structure, so the different evaluation contexts all cooperate to update different portions of such structures as appropriate.

Repetition of Modules

The long-desired capability of supporting count and for_each inside module blocks requires combining the two behaviors described above. Unfortunately, as implemented today these behaviors are not compatible because repetition of resources requires expansion of a graph node but yet modules are not represented by a single graph node.

Although Terraform v0.12 laid some groundwork for the surface-level manifestations of multi-instance modules, such as supporting module instance addresses like["bar"], the internal processing in Terraform Core still assumes that one module call in configuration results in one module instance, and that aside from resources the other constructs that can be declared within modules are likewise one-to-one with their configuration constructs.

Since the v0.12 release, we've been evaluating some different design approaches for continuing that work to make Terraform Core ready support repetition of modules alongside repetition of resources.

As a motivating example for the discussion in this section, let's modify our two modules from above to do the repetition at the module level instead of at the nested resource level.

In example1/

resource "null_resource" "example" {
  triggers = {
    val = "foo"

module "example2" {
  source   = "../example2"
  for_each = toset(["bar", "baz"])

  val = each.key

output "ids" {
  value = concat(
    [for mi in module.example2 :],

...and in example2/

variable "val" {
  type = string

resource "null_resource" "example" {
  triggers = {
    val = var.val

output "ids" {
  value =

Notice that now the example2 module contains only a single-instance resource, and it's the module call itself that has for_each set. To express that difference in resource instance address notation, we can say that our earlier version had module.example2.null_resource.example["bar"], but this new version instead has module.example2["bar"].null_resource.example, where the instance key has moved to attach to the module call step rather than to the resource step at the end.

Attempt 1: Heirarchical Dynamic Expansion

Modules are a more troublesome object to implement repetition for because, unlike resources, they are containers for other objects; repeating a module implies repeating all of the objects inside.

When I first started searching for design approaches to solve this problem, I initially tried to directly apply the resource repetition approach to modules by introducing modules into the graph as containers with subgraphs, which would result in a more tree-like structure of recursively expanding graph nodes:

This approach can produce a correct operation ordering in this simple case, but it loses the two benefits described earlier of flattening all modules into a single graph. In particular, it becomes impossible to represent the situation where one input variable depends on another output value of the same module: it would cause the module node to depend on itself, creating a dependency cycle.

When using count and for_each on a module it's inevitable that the objects inside the module would need to block on the evaluation of those expressions, so module expansion requires a certain amount of compromise on the concurrency issue, but the capability of a module to reference itself is a trickier proposition: while situations where it arises are relatively exceptional, when it does arise there is often no convenient alternative.

Another reason this approach gave me pause is the dramatic increase in complexity of the graph traversal: it can already be very hard to debug when things aren't working right, and multi-level recursive expansion would literally add another dimension of complexity.

After completing this initial investigation I had to divert my attention elsewhere for a while, so I just drew a figurative line under the above results and made a note that we might have some difficult design compromises ahead for the module repetition feature.

Attempt 2: Leaf Object Dynamic Expansion

After some time away from the problem, I got some inspiration to take another attempt this week after some other work led me to a useful observation: no matter how many times you repeat a particular module, all of the instances must always have the same set of configuration objects inside due to the static nature of Terraform's module graph.

To put that another way: in our example above we can see that the expansion of module.example2 produces two subgraphs whose sets of nodes and topologies are always identical to one another. It's only the data flowing between those objects that varies, as a result of referenes to count.index, each.key, or each.value.

That then in turn led me realize that, in a plan graph where each node represents some object in the configuration, we don't actually need to create a separate set of nodes for each instance of a module. Instead, we can create a single graph node representing, say, the null_resource.example resource inside the example2 module above, and then have its dynamic expansion take care of noticing that it's contained within a repeated module.

If we apply that same principle to the graph nodes of all objects that can appear inside modules, we can avoid an arbitrarily-nested heirarchy of subgraphs and instead just let the leaf nodes expand to as many instances as necessary to cover every combination of calling module instances.

This approach requires two major changes to the graph shape:

  • Each module call gets a graph node that represents the evaluation of its count or for_each expression, but does not include any of the contents of the module, or any of its input variables.

  • All node types representing objects that can belong to modules must have dynamic expansion behavior, whereas in current Terraform only resource nodes do.

  • All nodes representing objects in a module must depend on the node representing the module itself, so the dynamic expand behavior can know how many instances of the containing module(s) there are and expand accordingly.

As before, we inevitably introduce new dependency edges representing the references in the count and for_each expressions, slightly constraining concurrency whenever they are used, but this would cause no meaningful change to the processing of modules with neither argument set.

Note also that the individual variables and outputs for the module still appear as distinct nodes in the top-level graph, and so they can have dependencies between them individually and thus we avoid breaking the ability for a module's inputs to refer to its own outputs.

A crucial part of this approach is that all of the graph nodes must be aware of the repetitions of all of the modules they are contained within. In our example above we only have one level of nested module, but Terraform allows arbitrary nesting depth in principle, and so the expansion can potentially be exponential. (The Terraform team recommends against using grandchild modules, and recommends module composition instead, but module nesting must still work for situations where it really is the best option.)

This need to track expansion of containing modules suggests that repetition would become a more cross-cutting concern, visible to many more components. The current implementation of resource repetition is largely contained within the node types that represent resources, but extrapolating that to apply to many more node types would lead to a lot of code duplication and careful coordination. Can we handle expansion in a more distributed way while ensuring it stays consistent across all node types?

The Instance Expander object

In an attempt to answer "yes" to the question posed in the last section, I've designed an abstraction currently called an "instance expander", which has three responsibilities:

  • To collect information about the count or for_each usage of modules and resources as it gradually becomes available during the graph walk.

  • To use that gathered information to determine the fully-expanded set of instances for a given module or resource, including any nested expansion.

  • To determine what values should be set for each.key, each.value, and count.index when evaluating argument expressions for a particular module or resource instance.

I implemented the above encapsulated in a single Go struct type that uses a mutex to ensure that it will always remain self-consistent despite many concurrent readers and writers during a Terraform graph walk. If plumbed fully into Terraform, the callers of Expander methods would be spread across different graph node implementations and other subsystems, but for the sake of demonstration I'll write some simpler programs that perform the same steps as simpler sequential code.

First, let's reproduce the situation from our most recent example above, that has module example2 with for_each as a set of two strings:

ex := instances.NewExpander()

// We'll create some address objects to make things easier to read
// below. These would be dynamic from the configuration in normal use,
// but we're using constants here for simplicity's sake.
nullResourceExample := addrs.Resource{ // resource "null_resource" "example"
    Mode: addrs.ManagedResourceMode,
    Type: "null_resource",
    Name: "example",
moduleCallExample2 := addrs.ModuleCall{ // identifies the module "example2" config block
    Name: "example2",
moduleExample2 := addrs.RootModule.Child("example2") // absolute path to example2 module

// Call the following when visiting null_resource.example from the
// root module.
for _, moduleAddr := range ex.ExpandModule(addrs.RootModule) {
    // The root module is always a singleton, so there will only be one
    // iteration here with moduleAddr set to the root module.
    ex.SetResourceSingle(moduleAddr, nullResourceExample)

// The node representing null_resource.example in the root module
// would then dynamic expand, producing only a single instance in this case.
for _, resourceAddr := range ex.ExpandResource(addrs.RootModule, nullResourceExample) {
    fmt.Printf("plan %s\n", resourceAddr)

// Call the following when visiting module.example2.
    addrs.RootModuleInstance, moduleCallExample2,
        "bar": cty.StringVal("bar"),
        "baz": cty.StringVal("baz"),

// We'd then visit var.val in the example2 module, but the main visit
// doesn't do anything because we need to dynamic expand to evaluate
// the variable for all of the module instances it belongs to.
// ....

// Call the following for dynamic expansion of var.val. We can ask the
// expander to expand the example2 module here because its repetition was
// already set with SetModuleForEach above.
for _, moduleAddr := range ex.ExpandModule(moduleExample2) {
    varAddr := moduleAddr.InputVariable("val")
    fmt.Printf("evaluate %s\n", varAddr)

// Call the following when null_resource.example in the example2
// module.
for _, moduleAddr := range ex.ExpandModule(moduleExample2) {
    // After we've noted that there's no for_each or count set on this
    // resource, we must register that for each containing module instance.
    // (We need to do this in a loop because if for_each or count _were_
    // set then we'd need to evaluate the expression separately for each
    // module instance in case it depends on an input variable.)
    ex.SetResourceSingle(moduleAddr, nullResourceExample)

// The node representing null_resource.example in the example2 module
// would then dynamic expand, visiting each of the expanded instances.
for _, resourceAddr := range ex.ExpandResource(moduleExample2, nullResourceExample) {
    fmt.Printf("plan %s\n", resourceAddr)

// We'd then visit in the example2 module, but again the
// main visit doesn't do anything.
// ....

// Call the following for dynamic expansion of
for _, moduleAddr := range ex.ExpandModule(moduleExample2) {
    outputAddr := moduleAddr.OutputValue("id")
    fmt.Printf("evaluate %s\n", outputAddr)

// Finally we visit the root module output.ids, and again the main visit
// doesn't do anything.
// ...

// Call the following for dynamic expansion of the root output.ids.
for _, moduleAddr := range ex.ExpandModule(addrs.RootModule) {
    outputAddr := moduleAddr.OutputValue("ids")
    fmt.Printf("evaluate %s\n", outputAddr)

The above is using types from Terraform's addrs package, which is how it internally represents addresses like null_resource.example given in the configuration. The string representations of these are the forms that would be written in the configuration. The result of running the above is the expected sequence of operations for the our example configuration:

plan null_resource.example
evaluate module.example2["bar"].var.val
evaluate module.example2["baz"].var.val
plan module.example2["bar"].null_resource.example
plan module.example2["baz"].null_resource.example
evaluate module.example2["bar"]
evaluate module.example2["baz"]
evaluate output.ids

Things get more interesting when we have repeated objects inside other repeated objects. Consider for example the case where count = 2 were set on the resource in the example2 module. That means our registration during the visit of that node changes slightly in the above program:

// Call the following when null_resource.example in the example2
// module.
for _, moduleAddr := range ex.ExpandModule(moduleExample2) {
    // Here we'd evaluate the count expression in the context of each
    // of our expanded module addresses. For our example here it's
    // hard-coded to 2, so we'd set them all the same.
    ex.SetResourceCount(moduleAddr, nullResourceExample, 2)

// The node representing null_resource.example in the example2 module
// would then dynamic expand, visiting each of the expanded instances.
for _, resourceAddr := range ex.ExpandResource(moduleExample2, nullResourceExample) {
    fmt.Printf("plan %s\n", resourceAddr)

With that change in place, we can now see the effect of the extra level of expansion:

plan null_resource.example
evaluate module.example2["bar"].var.val
evaluate module.example2["baz"].var.val
plan module.example2["bar"].null_resource.example[0]
plan module.example2["bar"].null_resource.example[1]
plan module.example2["baz"].null_resource.example[0]
plan module.example2["baz"].null_resource.example[1]
evaluate module.example2["bar"]
evaluate module.example2["baz"]
evaluate output.ids

This exponential expansion effect would be increased for each additional level of module nesting, assuming that all of the module calls produce the same number of instances. In practice though, since both count and for_each can derive from the input variables of the calling module, the expansion count under each instance is likely to vary in practice.

We can also simulate the effect of another related common request for modules: the ability to disable an entire module by setting its count to zero or its for_each to an empty collection:

// Call the following when visiting module.example2.
    addrs.RootModuleInstance, moduleCallExample2,
    map[string]cty.Value{}, // Like for_each = {}

This produces the following output:

plan null_resource.example
evaluate output.ids

Although we still visited all of the nodes representing the objects in the example2 module, the ExpandModule and ExpandResource calls all returned an empty set of instances, and thus we took no visible action based on those and thus they are effectively all disabled. Huzzah! 🎉

What's Next?

As a further test of the viability of this approach I've written Pull Request #23462 which includes both the Expander code itself and an initial integration of it into Terraform Core as a partial replacement of the existing implementation of count and for_each for resources, by just forcing all of the modules to be registered as singletons for now.

Terraform Core would still need quite a lot of work to fully implement count and for_each for modules using this "expander" technique, including the following:

  • Terraform's graph walker logic assumes that nodes belong to module instances rather than modules, which is a distinction without a difference today because modules are always singletons, but implementing the above technique will require it to be clear that the plan walk nodes belong to modules themselves, not yet expanded.

  • The graph node implementations representing resources are the only ones that currently know how to "dynamic expand", so we'd need to add similar capabilities to the node types representing all of the other objects that can belong to a module, including input variables, output values, local values, and provider configurations.

  • The treatment of module expansion during the apply phase still needs more thought, because Terraform currently implements that by recording the result of all of the resource expansions in the plan so that it can start with already-expanded resource instances in the apply step. In order to implement expansion of all of the other node types during the apply step, we'd either need to record additional information in the plan about how the modules and module objects expanded, or add some additional graph nodes to the apply graph as well in order to give an opportunity to re-decide and register the expansions with the Expander for correct operation.

Along the way here I realized that merging my currently-draft PR would add a suitable building block for another oft-requested feature: depends_on for modules. My PR above adds a new graph node representing the decision about repetition of a module, and that node could potentially also serve to represent depends_on. If the Terraform team decides to move forward with something like that PR, an implementation of module depends_on might be a nice side-benefit! We'll need to think through the tradeoffs of this design approach first though, because we wouldn't want to merge the PR and then find it's an evolutionary dead-end with regard to count and for_each. We'll see!